The Love is Love Project: Social Media Code of Ethics

Courtney Carr
3 min readApr 17, 2021

The primary goal of The Love is Love Project is to promote love and equality, which extends to our social platforms. Social media is a complex, ever-changing medium that warrants much hesitation from users. However, at The Love is Love Project, we are committed to creating and maintaining a safe space for everyone. To do so, we have compiled a list of ethics, formulated through our values and overall mission.

All members of The Love is Love Project are responsible for upholding the following ethics on social media and in their daily work:

  1. We promote equality and embrace diversity. We show respect for everyone, regardless of age, disability, gender identity, pregnancy, race, religion/beliefs, sex, or sexual orientation.
  2. We respect everyone. At no time will we engage in derogatory language, violence, bigotry, racism, harassment, or inappropriate behavior.
  3. The privacy of our followers and clients is extremely important to us. Our community is filled with many people — some open about their sexuality or gender identity, and some not. We are supportive no matter where a person is in this process and we will not tolerate “outing” anyone without their permission. Before posting photos of followers/clients or tagging them, we will receive written consent via email, DM, text message, etc. Consent can be withdrawn at any time, even after posting. In this situation, the post would be deleted immediately (not archived). Please keep in mind, once something is posted on the internet, there is no guarantee a delete will remove all traces. So we ask our followers and clients to be certain before giving consent.
  4. We use inclusive language that is free of any societal bias. We acknowledge that sexuality and gender are both spectrums with many identities and they are all valid. If a follower or client reaches out with a concern over inclusive language, it will be brought up to the team, investigated, and rectified as soon as possible.
  5. We strive to be accessible to everyone. Our posts will be accessible to all, whenever possible. If a follower or client reaches out with concern over accessibility, it will be brought up to the team, investigated, and rectified as soon as possible.
  6. Advocacy is a huge part of who we are, but we are not a non-profit organization. Honesty and integrity is guaranteed at all times in regards to monetary situations. Anytime a follower/client makes a payment or donation, they will receive complete transparency as to where their money is going (ex: 100% of proceeds will be donated, 20% of proceeds will be donated, etc.). If no donation is mentioned, it is to be assumed the funds will be allocated to The Love is Love Project. An important note about donations: Any organization chosen to receive a donation has been well researched and hand-picked by our team. We want to guarantee our followers/clients that their money is going towards a good cause and we take this very seriously. If a follower or client reaches out with a concern about a specific organization, it will be brought up to the team, investigated, and rectified as soon as possible.
  7. We enjoy educating and learning from our followers and clients whenever possible. Any information posted by The Love is Love Project is always done so with honest, truthful intent. We fact-check everything before posting and check multiple sources. If a follower or client reaches out with a concern about information posted, it will be brought up to the team, investigated, and rectified as soon as possible.
  8. We are proud of our content creation team. All works posted by The Love is Love Project are original creations, unless otherwise stated. Any content that does not belong to us, including collaborations, will be credited accordingly. This includes song covers, music, artwork, videos, photos, etc. The only exception to this rule, would be if the original creator or collaborator declined receiving credits do to privacy reasons (See #3).
  9. Photos will not be altered in a misleading or defamatory way. This includes our company-created photos as well as photos submitted by followers/clients. We do not manipulate images to alter a person’s appearance in any way. Approved edits include: filters, lighting adjustments, quality improvements, adding logos or other approved images/graphics.
  10. All employees of The Love is Love Project agree to these codes of ethics and also agree to report any unethical practices they may encounter.



Courtney Carr

Videographer 🎥 Disney ✨ MU Alum 🦅 UF Graduate Student 🐊 Love is Love Project co-founder 🏳️‍🌈